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Artist: Logic
Album:  The Incredible True Story
Song:   Lucidity (Scene)
Typed by: AZ Lyrics

[Kai] What'd you wanna be when you grew up?
[Thomas] Honestly, a musician
[Kai] What?
[Thomas] I know man crazy right
[Kai] Nah, what's crazy is original music hasn't been created since Earth
[Thomas] I know man. Lucidity
[Kai] What?
[Thomas] Back then people had dreams and achieved them
in a state of total consciousness
Shit we took for granted was obvious: water, food supply
It's insane to think everyday life for everyone in Babel
is the quest for Paradise. I guess that's what I'm looking for
[Kai] What, being able to make music?
[Thomas] Not just that. If the laws are abolished
following the migration - we're free dude
[Kai] We're not slaves Thomas
[Thomas] We aren't? You can't do anything outside the cause, not really
That's why we watch the same movies and listen to the same music
I mean don't get me wrong the catalogue is incredible, but we need...
I don't know
[Thalia] Something more?
[Thomas] Yeah, somethin' more